انواع کـد های جدید جاوا تغیــیر شکل موس

ثمره دانش، عمل برای زندگی است . [امام علی علیه السلام]
امروز: پنج شنبه 03 اسفند 30

             Mick lived in the country, and he had quite a big garden. He grew vegetables, and he had some nice, fat chickens too. He sold the eggs and the meat ,and got quite a lot of money for them.

His neighbor had a big garden too, and he also had vegetables and nice, fat chickens in it. There was a wire fence between the gardens, but it was very old, and the chickens often found holes in it and went through.

Now Mick wanted a new fence between his garden and his neigh­bour"s , so Mr Biggs came to build it. Mick said to him, "Please make the fence out of strong wood. And I want a hole in it. Make it big enough for my chickens to get into my neighbour"s garden and eat his vegetables, but too small for his to get into mine and eat mine."
By : Iraj mokhtarnia

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در چهارشنبه 88/8/13 و ساعت 10:44 عصر | نظرات دیگران()
         To communicate well people of other countries,you must learn to spaek well,right? Yes, but speaking isn"t every thing.Some experts say only thirty percent of communication comes from talking.Your gestures and other non-verbal actions matter,too.
            But in different cultures, the same action can have different meanings.When you have to meet someone from a different culture,be prepared.Do you know what kind of gesturesand customes are appropriate?
            Let"s look at shaking hands. North Americans like a firm handshake.But the Franch prefer a light,short handshake.If you shake a French person"s hand like North American way, he or she may not like it.People in Eastern European countries and same Latino cultures prefer shorter handshakes,too.Hugging after shaking handsis also a common introduction there. Don"t be surprised if a Brazilian gives you a hug.If you misinterpret gestures of introduction,your friendship may get off on the wrong foot!
           Everyone around the world knows the"OK"hand gesture,dont they? But in Spain ,parts of South America, and Eastern Europe, the"OK"sign is considered rude.And if you go shopping in Japan, it means you"d like your change in coins insted o bills.In France, making the "OK" sign means "zero" or that something is worthless.So check before you use the "OK" sign to be sure it"s OK!
           Understanding even a few key gestures from different cultures ,can make you a better communicator.So next time you travel, try being culturally sensitive.Find out the local gesture and let your body talk.
    Seyyedeh Reyhaneh Hosseini     

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در چهارشنبه 88/8/13 و ساعت 5:14 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

    NaSReDdiN was a poor man. He Pray to God every day. But nothing changes. In the end , Nasreddin prayed to God: please send me a thousand gold coins . I want exactly one thousand coins. 
    His neighbor Ahmet, a rich man, heard him over the garden wall . He laughed and said to his wife: Listen! Nasreddin doesn’t want nine hundred and ninety-nine gold coins. I’m going to throw nine hundred and ninety-nine gold coins over the wall into his garden .
    The next morning, Ahmet went to Nasreddin’s house and asked him: what’s happen? I heard laughing in your house. Nasreddin answered:right. Because God gave me thousand gold coins. Ahmet said:Let’scount them. After that, Ahmet said to Nasreddin : you can’t have this gold. Because there are nine hundred and ninety-nine coins here, not a thousand, and there are mine and you must give it back.
    Nasreddin refused. Ahmet said: we must go to court . Nasreddin said: I can’t go to court in these poor,dirty clothes. You must change your clothes with me. When they arrived, Nasreddin went nearer to the judge and said quietly to him,my neighbour, is mad and poor . All of my things are his things, he thinks. Judge asked Ahmet : Is this your coat? Of course it is, I gave it to Nasreddin,answered Ahmet . Judge said to Ahmet: you don’t need a court. You need a doctor , and give him one gold coin- at once 
     Nasreddin and Ahmet left the court and went home. Later, Nasreddin gave back the coat and the thousand gold coins to Ahmet, and said: These are your things, But remember , never come between God and man again .  

    Pray :to speak privately to god   /    throw : to make something move quickly through the air with your hands /      count : to say the numbers of thing / court : the place where people say when something is right or wrong   / judge : the person in a court who says when something is right or wrong /

      *LeyLa LajeVaRDi *

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در جمعه 88/8/8 و ساعت 10:53 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

    Help site and other site is:
    writer : mokhtarnia

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در جمعه 88/8/8 و ساعت 9:36 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

    A blonde and a lawyer sit next to each other on a plane
     یک خانم بلوند و یک وکیل در هواپیما کنار هم نشسته بودند.

    The lawyer asks her to play a game.
    وکیل پیشنهاد یک بازی را بهش داد.

    If he asked her a question that she didn"t know the answer to, she would have to pay him five dollars; And every time the blonde asked the lawyer a question that he didn"t know the answer to, the lawyer had to pay the blonde 50 dollars.
    چنانچه وکیل از  خانم سوالی بپرسد و او جواب را نداند، خانم باید 5 دلار به وکیل بپردازد و هر بار که  خانم سوالی کند که وکیل نتواند جواب دهد، وکیل به او 50 دلار بپردازد.

    So the lawyer asked the blonde his first question, "What is the distance between the Earth and the nearest star?" Without a word the blonde pays the lawyer five dollars.
    سپس وکیل اولین سوال را پرسید:" فاصله ی زمین تا نزدیکترین ستاره چقدر است؟ " خانم بی تامل 5 دلار به وکیل پرداخت.

    The blonde then asks him, "What goes up a hill with four legs and down a hill with three?" The lawyer thinks about it, but finally gives up and pays the blonde 50 dollars
    سپس خانم از وکیل پرسید" آن چیست که با چهار پا از تپه بالا می رود و با سه پا به پایین باز می گردد؟" وکیل در این باره فکر کرد اما در انتها تسلیم شده و 50 دلار به خانم پرداخت
    سپس از او پرسید که جواب چی بوده و  خانم بی معطلی 5 دلار به او پرداخت کرد
    by :iraj mokhtarnia 

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در جمعه 88/8/8 و ساعت 8:42 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

                                                                                                                                                        Carol Barbieri waz born in new york,new jersey and lived ther until she maried. Her articles have been published  in New York Times ,Your mother whoud know 

    Barbieri is a free lance writer and musician. more informatio ,carolbarbieri.com

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در شنبه 88/8/2 و ساعت 8:51 صبح | نظرات دیگران()


    Mick lived in the country, and he had quite a big garden. He grew vegetables, and he had some nice, fat chickens too. He sold the eggs and the meat ,and got quite a lot of money for them.

    His neighbor had a big garden too, and he also had vegetables and nice, fat chickens in it. There was a wire fence between the gardens, but it was very old, and the chickens often found holes in it and went through.

    Now Mick wanted a new fence between his garden and his neigh­bour"s , so Mr Biggs came to build it. Mick said to him, "Please make the fence out of strong wood. And I want a hole in it. Make it big enough for my chickens to get into my neighbour"s garden and eat his vegetables, but too small for his to get into mine and eat mine."
    By : Iraj mokhtarnia

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در چهارشنبه 88/7/29 و ساعت 10:36 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

    Class management

    A) Discuss and identify some 7 or more characteristics of effective teaching?

    B) What if Ss keep using their own language?

     i.e.  What action can Ts take if Ss use their own language in class all the time?

    C) What if Ss are not cooperative?

    D) What if Ss don’t want to talk?



          1. Instruction is guided by a preplanned curriculum.

          2. There are high expectations for student learning.

          3. Students are carefully oriented to lessons.

          4. Instruction is clear and focused.

          5. Learning progress is monitored  closely.

          6. When Ss do not understand, they are retaught.

          7. Class time is used for learning.

          8. There are smooth and efficient classroom routines.

          9. Instructional groups formed in the classroom fit instructional needs.

         10. Standards for classroom behavior are high.

         11. Personal interactions between teachers and students are positives.

         12. Incentives and rewards for Ss are used to promote excellence


          1. Talk to them about the issue.

          2. Encourage them to use Eng. appropriately.

          3. Only respond to Eng. Use.

          4. Create an Eng. Environment.

          5. Keep reminding them.


            1. Talk to individuals.

            2. Write to individuals.

            3. Use activities.

            4. Enlist help (peer observation)

            5. Make a language – learning contract


            1. Use PW

            2. Allow them to speak in a controlled way at first.

            3. Use “acting out” while reading out loud.

            4. Use role-play.

            5. Use the tape recorder The phrase ‘class management’ has for most teachers an immediate and clear meaning, but it is in fact quite a complex concept, and hard to define in words. A possible definition might be classroom management is a state in which both teachers and learners accept and consistently observe a set of rules about behavior in the classroom whose function is to facilitate smooth and efficient teaching and learning in a lesson.

    Characteristics of a well managed class

    Here is a list of suggested characteristics of a well managed class:

    By : Iraj mokhtarnia      


  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در یکشنبه 88/7/5 و ساعت 12:30 عصر | نظرات دیگران()
    <      1   2   3      
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