Class management
A) Discuss and identify some 7 or more characteristics of effective teaching?
B) What if Ss keep using their own language?
i.e. What action can Ts take if Ss use their own language in class all the time?
C) What if Ss are not cooperative?
D) What if Ss don’t want to talk?
1. Instruction is guided by a preplanned curriculum.
2. There are high expectations for student learning.
3. Students are carefully oriented to lessons.
4. Instruction is clear and focused.
5. Learning progress is monitored closely.
6. When Ss do not understand, they are retaught.
7. Class time is used for learning.
8. There are smooth and efficient classroom routines.
9. Instructional groups formed in the classroom fit instructional needs.
10. Standards for classroom behavior are high.
11. Personal interactions between teachers and students are positives.
12. Incentives and rewards for Ss are used to promote excellence
1. Talk to them about the issue.
2. Encourage them to use Eng. appropriately.
3. Only respond to Eng. Use.
4. Create an Eng. Environment.
5. Keep reminding them.
1. Talk to individuals.
2. Write to individuals.
3. Use activities.
4. Enlist help (peer observation)
5. Make a language – learning contract
1. Use PW
2. Allow them to speak in a controlled way at first.
3. Use “acting out” while reading out loud.
4. Use role-play.
5. Use the tape recorder The phrase ‘class management’ has for most teachers an immediate and clear meaning, but it is in fact quite a complex concept, and hard to define in words. A possible definition might be classroom management is a state in which both teachers and learners accept and consistently observe a set of rules about behavior in the classroom whose function is to facilitate smooth and efficient teaching and learning in a lesson.
Characteristics of a well managed class
Here is a list of suggested characteristics of a well managed class:
By : Iraj mokhtarnia
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نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در یکشنبه 88/7/5 و ساعت 12:30 عصر |
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