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حکمت گمشده مؤمن است، پس باید آن را بطلبد؛ حتی اگر در دست شروران باشد . [امام علی علیه السلام]
امروز: جمعه 04 فروردین 1

Weekly Horoscope ~week starting on 16 November~ 


december22 to january19 
Monday is all about your friends. There"s a chance you may need to call on someone for help, but everyone always calls on you for help, so there"s no need to feel guilty. There is a lot you want to get done by midweek, and some of it is going to seem impossible. Rest assured, it"s not. When you and your best pals put your heads together, there"s really not very much you can"t do. Persevere and you will prevail. Even this weekend, an unexpected (and positive) outcome is going to prove that the world is aligned in your favor.
january20 to february18
You were all gung-ho about your career just a couple days ago, but at the start of the week, you"re not so sure. The thing is, you haven"t really figured out what you want yet, so it"s hard to know if you like what you have. You"re in a good place, but could you be in a better place? Hard to say. Midweek, it"s worth asking a friend you respect (and who is in love with their career) for some advice. On Friday and over the weekend, plan to spend some time with people who have nothing to do with your professional life whatsoever. Take your mind off things.

Have some fun



february19 to march20
You"re happy to help people out on Monday, but you"re not exactly thrilled about your suspicion that people are perhaps taking advantage of you. Is that what"s happening? Or are you just being over-sensitive? Friends -- they can be so confusing. Just keep your wits about you, and the moment you feel like someone might be taking you for a ride, call them on it, especially Wednesday. (Nothing commands more respect than just being upfront with people.) On Friday or possibly over the weekend, someone you adore is going to ask you for some help, and you"re going to be perfectly happy to do whatever they need.

march21 to april19
It"s Monday and you"re feeling a little sluggish. You"re lost in your own thoughts and everyone else seems to be lost in their own thoughts, too. It"s unusual for you to feel so introverted, but it"s nothing to worry about. Later in the week -- beginning around Wednesday and continuing into Thursday -- your mood is going to change considerably. Friday, you"re going to realize that a ton of people are following your lead and looking to you to make the next move. Being a pioneer is somewhat daunting, but stick to the main trails (especially this weekend) and you"ll do fine.
april20 to may20
Whatever you feel Monday, you"re going to feel it intensely. If something seems deep, it"s going to seem unbelievably profound. Likewise, if someone says something funny, you"re going to laugh uncontrollably for what seems like hours. Passions run deep through midweek, and that"s perfectly okay. (Just try not to be too sensitive or moody.) Later in the week, someone is going to want you to commit to a financial deal, but you"re going to feel too tentative about it to sign the dotted line just yet. You have other things on your mind. Take the weekend to think it over.
may21 to june21
Your powers of observation are unmatched, and Monday or Tuesday you"re going to see something that to your mind changes everything. People are so complicated. Share what you know with a good friend. Get a second opinion. (As perceptive as you are, there"s no sense in rushing to judgment.) On Thursday and Friday, you"re going to feel closer to a certain friend than ever before. There"s a chance you may confide one of your own big secrets. All kinds of things are coming to the surface these days. If the weekend seems a bit confusing, it"s just because you"re processing a bunch of new information
june22 to july22
Should you stay or should you go? Are you feeling under the weather or on top of the world? Why can"t you figure your own mood out? Every time you have to make a decision on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, you"re going to be stalled by indecision. That"s why you shouldn"t commit to any long-term plans. Not yet, at least. On Thursday, someone is going to ask a favor of you, and even though you"ll be happy to oblige, it"s going to make you realize you haven"t done a favor for yourself in so long. What are you waiting for? Do something for yourself this weekend!
july23 to august22 
Start the week with some soul-searching. It might not be your soul that"s under the microscope, but you need to get to the bottom of a deep problem, and fast. If you can tie up your loose ends by Wednesday or Thursday, the rest of the week should be a breeze. You might find yourself in the same state of mind you had when you were first starting out on your career path. The weekend is great for volunteer work or planning community service for your business; you"ll have a good sense of how to do good work for your fellow humans.
August23 to september22
Even though you don"t flaunt it, you have a pretty analytical mind. You know what"s really going on here. Share your insight on Monday with a good friend -- someone who doesn"t have a stake in this situation, someone you can trust. And listen to what they have to say. (Their perspective is going to be pretty illuminating.) In fact, you"re going to spend Tuesday through Friday listening to what other people have to say. Your family, for instance. (Your best bet? Just go with the flow. Don"t try to argue.) This weekend, you"ll be happily distracted from everything else by romance.
september23 to october22
Early in the week is auspicious for purchases and acquisitions. If you"re waiting for the price to go down, it"s time to jump before someone beats you to it. You might need to elbow other folks out of the way. Thursday or Friday, you"ll want to slow down and maybe engage in a little brainstorming with your peers regarding ideas for future business. The flow of thoughts will surprise you. Issues from the past will come back to haunt you this weekend, but if you just let them sit they"ll eventually disappear.
October23 to November21
You can"t help it. You have this aura that people are drawn to. Especially at the start of this week, you"re going to find yourself surrounded by more friends than you ever realized you had. People are attracted to your energy and your confidence. So, whatever you do midweek, especially in social situations, be energetic and confident. Don"t be afraid to state your opinions, even if you know other people disagree. (And don"t be shocked if you find some of your own opinions changing somewhat, based on what other people have to say.) You get along well with people. You"re going to be reminded of that all weekend
November22 to December21
Early in the week, you"ll be better off keeping to yourself and taking care of mundane tasks than engaging with clients or business partners. You"ll be just slightly less articulate than usual, but it will show. You"ll be back in force and ready to engage with folks by late Wednesday, especially with the people you work most closely with. If you keep your eyes and ears open, you"ll notice something that will definitely give you an edge in the weeks and months to come. Budget planning will go well over the weekend if cuts are needed

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