انواع کـد های جدید جاوا تغیــیر شکل موس

آنکه مجادله به باطلش فراوان شود، کوری اش از حقیقت ماندگار شود . [امام علی علیه السلام]
امروز: جمعه 04 فروردین 1
     To communicate well people of other countries,you must learn to spaek well,right? Yes, but speaking isn"t every thing.Some experts say only thirty percent of communication comes from talking.Your gestures and other non-verbal actions matter,too.
        But in different cultures, the same action can have different meanings.When you have to meet someone from a different culture,be prepared.Do you know what kind of gesturesand customes are appropriate?
        Let"s look at shaking hands. North Americans like a firm handshake.But the Franch prefer a light,short handshake.If you shake a French person"s hand like North American way, he or she may not like it.People in Eastern European countries and same Latino cultures prefer shorter handshakes,too.Hugging after shaking handsis also a common introduction there. Don"t be surprised if a Brazilian gives you a hug.If you misinterpret gestures of introduction,your friendship may get off on the wrong foot!
       Everyone around the world knows the"OK"hand gesture,dont they? But in Spain ,parts of South America, and Eastern Europe, the"OK"sign is considered rude.And if you go shopping in Japan, it means you"d like your change in coins insted o bills.In France, making the "OK" sign means "zero" or that something is worthless.So check before you use the "OK" sign to be sure it"s OK!
       Understanding even a few key gestures from different cultures ,can make you a better communicator.So next time you travel, try being culturally sensitive.Find out the local gesture and let your body talk.
Seyyedeh Reyhaneh Hosseini     

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    طراح قالب: رضا امین زاده** پارسی بلاگ پیشرفته ترین سیستم مدیریت وبلاگ
