انواع کـد های جدید جاوا تغیــیر شکل موس

[ و در ستایش انصار فرمود : ] به خدا آنان اسلام را پروراندند چنانکه کره اسب از شیر گرفته را پرورانند ، با توانگرى و دستهاى بخشنده و زبانهاى برنده . [نهج البلاغه]
امروز: جمعه 04 فروردین 1

NaSReDdiN was a poor man. He Pray to God every day. But nothing changes. In the end , Nasreddin prayed to God: please send me a thousand gold coins . I want exactly one thousand coins. 
His neighbor Ahmet, a rich man, heard him over the garden wall . He laughed and said to his wife: Listen! Nasreddin doesn’t want nine hundred and ninety-nine gold coins. I’m going to throw nine hundred and ninety-nine gold coins over the wall into his garden .
The next morning, Ahmet went to Nasreddin’s house and asked him: what’s happen? I heard laughing in your house. Nasreddin answered:right. Because God gave me thousand gold coins. Ahmet said:Let’scount them. After that, Ahmet said to Nasreddin : you can’t have this gold. Because there are nine hundred and ninety-nine coins here, not a thousand, and there are mine and you must give it back.
Nasreddin refused. Ahmet said: we must go to court . Nasreddin said: I can’t go to court in these poor,dirty clothes. You must change your clothes with me. When they arrived, Nasreddin went nearer to the judge and said quietly to him,my neighbour, is mad and poor . All of my things are his things, he thinks. Judge asked Ahmet : Is this your coat? Of course it is, I gave it to Nasreddin,answered Ahmet . Judge said to Ahmet: you don’t need a court. You need a doctor , and give him one gold coin- at once 
 Nasreddin and Ahmet left the court and went home. Later, Nasreddin gave back the coat and the thousand gold coins to Ahmet, and said: These are your things, But remember , never come between God and man again .  

Pray :to speak privately to god   /    throw : to make something move quickly through the air with your hands /      count : to say the numbers of thing / court : the place where people say when something is right or wrong   / judge : the person in a court who says when something is right or wrong /

  *LeyLa LajeVaRDi *

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    طراح قالب: رضا امین زاده** پارسی بلاگ پیشرفته ترین سیستم مدیریت وبلاگ
