انواع کـد های جدید جاوا تغیــیر شکل موس

حکمت را از هرکس که آن را برایت آورد بگیر و به آنچه می گوید بنگر و نه آنکه می گوید . [امام علی علیه السلام]
امروز: پنج شنبه 03 اسفند 30


1.  Listen to soothing music that can calm you down after a stressful day.
2.  Relax before you suffer from burnout.
3.  Learn to say YES to leisure and recreation.
4. Learn to say NO to too much work and extra curricular activities.
5. Practice the art of BREATHING slowly and deeply.
6. Prioritize, you cannot do everything at the same time.
7. Don’t rush. Avoid cramming to beat the deadline.
8. Work only on activities you are passionate about.
9. Learn to handle stressful people, do not get intimidated by them.
10. STRATEGIZE. Learn to follow the easiest path instead of making life more difficult for you.
11. PRAY. Connect to God who is the Source of all Grace and Rest.
12. Get enough SLEEP.
13. Avoid stressful people.
14. Clear your mind from unreasonable expectations and avoid unnecessary frustrations.
15. Dont sweat over the small stuff.
16. Instead of worrying, make a realistic plan to solve your problem.
17. Let go of your fears.
18. Arrive early in the office and avoid the stress of rush hours.
19. Learn to communicate well in order to avoid undue stress from misunderstandings.
20. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
21. Exercise and release those toxins from your system.
22. Keep a journal of things you have to do instead of worrying about them in your head.
23. Take care of your health.
24. Buy aromatherapy candles and set a relaxing atmosphere.
25. Have a body massage that will relax your tensed muscles.
26. Pamper yourself! Go shopping if you want to and buy that dress you want.
27. Manage your finances and avoid the stress of being unable to pay your loans.
28. Learn the art of ACCEPTANCE. Accept the things you cannot change.
29. TRUST GOD. He will never let you down!
30. Enjoy an out of town vacation once in a while.
31.Travel to a place you have never been.
32.Meet new people.
33.Write letters of gratitude to those who help brighten up your day.
34.Spend a day away from your computer and mobile phone.
35.Write ten things to be thankful for.
36.Listen to the soothing sound of crashing waves.
37.Have fun playing with children.
38.Get a hobby. Paint or learn to cook new dishes.
39.Ride a bus instead of driving your car once in a while. It will take the stress of driving away.
40.Delegate tasks that stress you out.
41.Imagine a perfect day. How would your day feel like?
42.Take a hot shower and enjoy the sensations that comes along with it.
43.Change into some comfortable clothes when you dont need to wear formal attire.
44.Have a footspa and pamper your feet!
45.Unwind with a good book.
46.Learn to let go of your anger.
47.Learn to let go of your past if it keeps on hurting you.
48.Learn to let go of the future if it worries you. Let God take care of it instead.
49.Take a nice walk around the park.
50.Learn to accept your mistakes instead of punishing yourself for committing them.

seyyedeh reyhaneh hosseini

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    طراح قالب: رضا امین زاده** پارسی بلاگ پیشرفته ترین سیستم مدیریت وبلاگ
