كلاس زبان عمومي راهنمايي و مشاوره - پيام‌هاي ارسالي ?RSS=0 كلاس زبان عمومي راهنمايي و مشاوره - پيام‌هاي ارسالي fa ParsiBlog.com RSS Generator Tue, 25 Mar 2025 18:11:24 GMT كلاس زبان عمومي راهنمايي و مشاوره if i want to go to meet new people I prefer some places like library,...when I meet some one new for starting conversation I start to ask some question like"WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR?""WHAT TERM ARE YOU?"By these questions i start conversation and then ask some question that is more private.i think it's easy to make new friends but it depends on the person you want make relation. MAHDAVI http://englishsbu.parsiblog.com/Feeds/4094323/ <span class="mb">if i want to go to meet new people I prefer some places like library,...when I meet some one new for starting conversation I start to ask some question like&quot;WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR?&quot;&quot;WHAT TERM ARE YOU?&quot;By these questions i start conversation and then ask some question that is more private.i think it&apos;s easy to make new friends but it depends on the person you want make relation. MAHDAVI</span><br ms1="www.englishsbuparsiblog.com"> Sun, 17 Jan 2010 19:26:00 GMT