انواع کـد های جدید جاوا تغیــیر شکل موس

میوه دانش، با کردار نیک چیده می شود نه باگفتار نیک . [امام علی علیه السلام]
امروز: جمعه 04 فروردین 8

1 The Iranian educational system is highly centralized and is divided to K-12 education and higher education. K-12 education is supervised by the Ministry of Education and higher education is under supervision of Ministry of Science and Technology.

Primary school (Dabestan) starts at the age of 6 for a duration of 5 years. Middle school, also known as orientation cycle (Rahnamayi), goes from the sixth to the eighth grade. High school (Dabirestan), for which the last three years is not mandatory, is divided between theoretical, vocational/technical and manual, each program with its own specialties.[1]

Universities, institutes of technology, medical schools and community colleges, provide the higher education. The requirement to enter into higher education is to have a High school diploma, and finally pass the national University entrance"s exam (Konkoor). Higher education is sanctioned by different levels of diplomas: Fogh-e-Diplom or K?rd?ni after 2 years of higher education, K?rshen?si (also known under the name “licence”) is delivered after 4 years of higher education (Bachelor"s degree). K?rshen?si-ye Arshad is delivered after 2 more years of study (Master"s degree). After which, another exam allows the candidate to pursue a doctoral program (PhD).[2]

By : iraj mokhtarnia

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در یکشنبه 88/10/27 و ساعت 2:10 عصر | نظرات دیگران()
    LIFEBOOK 2010

        Drink plenty of water.
        Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
        Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that
    is manufactured in plants (factory).
        Live with the 3 E"s -- Energy,  Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
        Make Time for Prayers.
        Play more games.
        Read more books than you did in 2009.
        Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day & meditate/pray.
        Sleep for 7 hours.
      Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day -- and while you walk,
    SMILE !!


      Don"t compare your life to others". You have no idea what their
    journey is all about.
      Don"t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control.  Instead
    invest your energy in the positive present moment.
      Don"t overdo; keep your limits.
      Don"t take yourself so seriously; no one else does.
      Don"t waste your precious energy on gossip.
      Dream more while you are awake.
      Envy is a waste of time.  You already have all you need..
      Forget issues of the past. Don"t remind your partner with his/her
    mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
      Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don"t hate others.
      Make peace with your past so it won"t spoil the present.
      No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
     Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.  Problems are
    simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra
    class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
      Smile and Laugh more often.
      You don"t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 


      Call your family often.
      Each day give something good to others.
      Forgive everyone for everything.
      Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 7.
      Try to make at least three people smile each day.
      What other people think of you is none of your business.
    31.  Your job won"t take care of you when you are sick. Your family and
    friends will. Stay in touch.


      Do the right things.
      Get rid of anything that isn"t useful, beautiful or joyful.
      God heals everything. 
      However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
      No matter how you feel; Get up, Dress up and Show up!
      The best is yet to come.
      When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
      Your inner most is always happy, So be Happy!

    Remle Nour Bichkioghlo

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در شنبه 88/10/26 و ساعت 1:34 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

     A collective value and a human right

    There have been attempts to reframe privacy as a fundamental human right, whose social value is an essential component in the functioning of democratic societies. Additional ways of thinking about privacy have been explored by researchers largely outside of the field of law using various approaches that work towards a concept of privacy beyond individual liberalism.

    Amitai Etzioni suggests a communitarian approach to privacy. This requires a shared moral culture for establishing social order . Etzioni believes that "[p]rivacy is merely one good among many others, and that technological effects depend on community accountability and oversight (ibid). He claims that privacy laws only increase government surveillance .

    Priscilla Regan believes that individual concepts of privacy have failed philosophically and in policy. She supports a social value of privacy with three dimensions: shared perceptions, public values, and collective components. Shared ideas about privacy allows freedom of conscience and diversity in thought. Public values guarantee democratic participation, including freedoms of speech and association, and limits government power. Collective elements describe privacy as collective good that cannot be divided. Regan"s goal is to strengthen privacy claims in policy making: "if we did recognize the collective or public-good value of privacy, as well as the common and public value of privacy, those advocating privacy protections would have a stronger basis upon which to argue for its protection".

    Leslie Regan Shade argues that the human right to privacy is necessary for meaningful democratic participation, and ensures human dignity and autonomy. Privacy depends on norms for how information is distributed, and if this is appropriate. Violations of privacy depend on context. The human right to privacy has precedent in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Shade believes that privacy must be approached from a people-centered perspective, and not through the marketplace.

    Remle Nour Bichkioghlo

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در جمعه 88/10/25 و ساعت 11:16 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

      An individual right

    Alan Westin believes that new technologies alter the balance between privacy and disclosure, and that privacy rights may limit government surveillance to protect democratic processes. Westin defines privacy as "the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others". Westin describes four states of privacy: solitude, intimacy, anonymity, reserve. These states must balance participation against norms:

    Each individual is continually engaged in a personal adjustment process in which he balances the desire for privacy with the desire for disclosure and communication of himself to others, in light of the environmental conditions and social norms set by the society in which he lives. - Alan Westin, Privacy and Freedom, 1968

    Under liberal democratic systems, privacy creates a space separate from political life, and allows personal autonomy, while ensuring democratic freedoms of association and expression.

    David Flaherty believes networked computer databases pose threats to privacy. He develops "data protection" as an aspect of privacy, which involves "the collection, use, and dissemination of personal information". This concept forms the foundation for fair information practices used by governments globally. Flaherty forwards an idea of privacy as information control, "[i]ndividuals want to be left alone and to exercise some control over how information about them is used"

    Richard Posner and Lawrence Lessig focus on the economic aspects of personal information control. Posner criticizes privacy for concealing information, which reduces market efficiency. For Posner, employment is selling oneself in the labour market, which he believes is like selling a product. Any "defect" in the "product" that is not reported is fraud For Lessig, privacy breaches online can be regulated through code and law. Lessig claims "the protection of privacy would be stronger if people conceived of the right as a property right", and that "individuals should be able to control information about themselves"  Economic approaches to privacy make communal conceptions of privacy difficult to maintain.

    Remle Nour Bichkioghlo



  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در جمعه 88/10/25 و ساعت 11:10 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

    people are often unreasonable,irrational,and self_centered,forgive them anyway.if you are kind,people may accuse.you of selfish,ulterior motives,be kind anyway.if you are successful,you will win som unfaithful friends and som genuine enemies,succeed anyway.if you are honest and sincere people may deceive you,be honest and sincere anyway.if you are honest and sincere people may deceive anyway.what you spend yars creating others could destori overnight,create anyway.if you find serenity and happiness,some may be gealous,be happy anyway.the good and you do today,will often be forgotten.be good anyway.give the best you have,and it may never be enough,give your best anyway.in the final analysis,it is between you and god,it was never between you and them anyway.mother teresa.elahe behboodi. 

  • کلمات کلیدی : ندارد
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در جمعه 88/10/25 و ساعت 10:55 عصر | نظرات دیگران()


    By : iraj mokhtarnia

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در پنج شنبه 88/10/24 و ساعت 1:57 عصر | نظرات دیگران()






    Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical
    , material world or material universe. "Nature" refers to the phenomena of the
     physical world, and also to life in general. The term generally does not include manufactured s and human interaction unless qualified in ways such as, e.g., "human nature" or "the whole of nature". Nature is also generally distinguished from the supernatural. It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the galactic.

    The word "nature" derives from the Latin word natura, or "the course of things, natural character."[1] Natura was a Latin translation of the Greek word physis (?????), which originally related to the innate way in which plants and animals grow of their own accord, and to the Greek word for plants generally.[a] The concept of nature as a whole, the physical universe, is a more recent development that gained increasingly wide use with the advent of modern scientific method in the last several centuries.[b][c]

    Within the various uses of the word today, "nature" may refer to the general realm of various types of living plants and animals, and in some cases to the processes associated with inanimate s – the way that particular types of things exist and change of their own accord, such as the weather and geology of the Earth, and the matter and energy of which all these things are composed. It is often taken to mean the "natural environment" or wilderness – wild animals, rocks, forest, beaches, and in general those things that have not been substantially altered by human intervention, or which persist despite human intervention. This more traditional concept of natural things which can still be found today implies a distinction between the natural and the artificial, with the latter being understood as that which has been brought into being by a human or human-like consciousness or mind.

    By : iraj mokhtarnia

  • کلمات کلیدی : Nature
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در پنج شنبه 88/10/24 و ساعت 1:12 عصر | نظرات دیگران()
    TEACHER:   Maria, go to the map and find North America .
            Here it is.
    TEACHER:   Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?

    CLASS:         Maria.
    ____________ _________ _________ ______

    TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?

    JOHN:         You told me to do it without using tables.
    ____________ _________ _________ _________ ___

    TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell "crocodile?"

    GLENN:         K-R-O-K-O-D- I-A-L"
    TEACHER:  No, that"s wrong

    GLENN:         Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.

    (I love this kid)

    ____________ _________ _________ _________ _____

    TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?

    DONALD:     H I J K L M N O.
    TEACHER:  What are you talking about?

    DONALD:     Yesterday you said it"s H to O.
    ____________ _________ _________ ____

    TEACHER:  Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn"t have ten years ago.

    WINNIE:       Me!
    ____________ _________ _________ _________ ___

    TEACHER:  Glen, why do you always get so dirty?

              Well, I"m a lot closer to the ground than you are.
    ____________ _________ _________ _________

    TEACHER:    Millie, give me a sentence starting with " I. "

    MILLIE:           I is..
    TEACHER:    No, Millie..... Always say, "I am."

    MILLIE:           All right...  "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."    
    ____________ _________ _________ __

    TEACHER:   George Washington not  only chopped down his father"s cherry tree, but also admitted it.  Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn"t punish him?

    LOUIS:          Because George still had the axe in his hand. 
    ____________ _________ _________ ________

    TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?

    S IMON :        No, sir, I don"t have to.  My mom is a good cook.
    ____________ _________ _________

    TEACHER:   Clyde , your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother"s. Did you copy his?

    CLYDE :       No, sir. It"s the same dog.
    ____________ _________ _________ _____

    TEACHER:  Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
    HAROLD:   A teacher
    ____________ _________ _________ ____


    nur bichkioghlu 

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در سه شنبه 88/10/15 و ساعت 10:43 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

    I want to make a coat in my company that cause smoker person dissuade from consumption drugs.It has two lungs. The smoker wear this coat when he smoke and gradually the lungs become black.It works like anatural lung that take the smoke of cigar. when they see the lungs they lose their favor to thecigar. I call this coat ;MAGIC COAT                             BY ZOHRE SADAT AKHAVI

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در سه شنبه 88/10/15 و ساعت 1:55 صبح | نظرات دیگران()


    1.  Listen to soothing music that can calm you down after a stressful day.
    2.  Relax before you suffer from burnout.
    3.  Learn to say YES to leisure and recreation.
    4. Learn to say NO to too much work and extra curricular activities.
    5. Practice the art of BREATHING slowly and deeply.
    6. Prioritize, you cannot do everything at the same time.
    7. Don’t rush. Avoid cramming to beat the deadline.
    8. Work only on activities you are passionate about.
    9. Learn to handle stressful people, do not get intimidated by them.
    10. STRATEGIZE. Learn to follow the easiest path instead of making life more difficult for you.
    11. PRAY. Connect to God who is the Source of all Grace and Rest.
    12. Get enough SLEEP.
    13. Avoid stressful people.
    14. Clear your mind from unreasonable expectations and avoid unnecessary frustrations.
    15. Dont sweat over the small stuff.
    16. Instead of worrying, make a realistic plan to solve your problem.
    17. Let go of your fears.
    18. Arrive early in the office and avoid the stress of rush hours.
    19. Learn to communicate well in order to avoid undue stress from misunderstandings.
    20. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
    21. Exercise and release those toxins from your system.
    22. Keep a journal of things you have to do instead of worrying about them in your head.
    23. Take care of your health.
    24. Buy aromatherapy candles and set a relaxing atmosphere.
    25. Have a body massage that will relax your tensed muscles.
    26. Pamper yourself! Go shopping if you want to and buy that dress you want.
    27. Manage your finances and avoid the stress of being unable to pay your loans.
    28. Learn the art of ACCEPTANCE. Accept the things you cannot change.
    29. TRUST GOD. He will never let you down!
    30. Enjoy an out of town vacation once in a while.
    31.Travel to a place you have never been.
    32.Meet new people.
    33.Write letters of gratitude to those who help brighten up your day.
    34.Spend a day away from your computer and mobile phone.
    35.Write ten things to be thankful for.
    36.Listen to the soothing sound of crashing waves.
    37.Have fun playing with children.
    38.Get a hobby. Paint or learn to cook new dishes.
    39.Ride a bus instead of driving your car once in a while. It will take the stress of driving away.
    40.Delegate tasks that stress you out.
    41.Imagine a perfect day. How would your day feel like?
    42.Take a hot shower and enjoy the sensations that comes along with it.
    43.Change into some comfortable clothes when you dont need to wear formal attire.
    44.Have a footspa and pamper your feet!
    45.Unwind with a good book.
    46.Learn to let go of your anger.
    47.Learn to let go of your past if it keeps on hurting you.
    48.Learn to let go of the future if it worries you. Let God take care of it instead.
    49.Take a nice walk around the park.
    50.Learn to accept your mistakes instead of punishing yourself for committing them.

    seyyedeh reyhaneh hosseini

  • کلمات کلیدی :
  •  نوشته شده توسط کلاس زبان عمومی راهنمایی و مشاوره در دوشنبه 88/10/14 و ساعت 11:52 عصر | نظرات دیگران()
       1   2   3      >
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    طراح قالب: رضا امین زاده** پارسی بلاگ پیشرفته ترین سیستم مدیریت وبلاگ
